Answers to winning a disability case in NC| Social Security Disability Resource Center

Get a Local Disability Advocate in North Carolina

by Tim Moore. Free Case Evaluation here.

Why Local Representation matters

We are often contacted by individuals who have been using an out-of-state or non-local disability firm or company. They contact us because the service they receive is terrible, even unprofessional. The biggest single complaint is that they never hear anything from their representative. And if they try to contact their representative, they have a lot of trouble reaching them. And even if they do, that individual often knows very little. Sometimes, this is because they are just the latest person assigned to the case. This is why we strongly advise against using non-local representatives ESPECIALLY if they are out of state.

Note: if you need help with a disability claim, contact us at 919-890-8519.

They are essentially mills. THEY often provide poor service and representation and that is not how WE handle claims. Because we are in North Carolina and because we are familiar with the various Social Security offices and the judges at hearings office, we not only have a strong local connection, but a reputation to protect. Regardless of whether you choose us to help, make sure you have a local representative who is NC based.

Whoever you choose to represent you, make sure they specialize in Social Security cases only. SSD and SSI are very complex and a non-specialist can cause you to lose your case.

Secondly, get someone local. We strongly advise against using out-of-state who advertise on television or the internet. The last 15 years have provided strong evidence that these firms and companies (basically mills) provide very low quality representation. They also have a high turnover rate.

By the time your case gets to a hearing, you may have had four different representatives assigned to your case with none of them knowing either you or much about your case. Always use someone local in North Carolina as these individuals are more experienced, have reputations to protect, and are familiar with the judges at the hearing offices.

Free Case Evaluation

Seventy Percent of disability applications are denied in North Carolina. Complete the form below to get help with your disability claim. We are local, we understand how the system works in NC, and our consultation is FREE. After submitting, please scroll to the bottom for the confirmation that your form was sent, and to copy our phone number if you have further questions.

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