What happens when a Social Security Disability claim gets denied in South Carolina

A large percentage of Social Security Disability and SSI disability claims get denied. At the application or initial claim level, this happens, roughly at the rate of 70%. In other words, seven out of ten applicants at this level, are rejected for disability benefits. Benefit claims for Social Security Disability in South Carolina are denied at a substantially higher rate at the next level in the system.

At the reconsideration stage, according to recent-year federal statistics, approximately 85 percent of claimants are rejected.

However, what happens when a Social Security Disability claim is denied at the application level or during one of the appeal steps?


1. If you get denied on a disability application do you have to file a new application?
2. What Happens When You File A Second Social Security Disability Claim?
3. What is a Social Security Disability Denial based on?
4. The Reasons For Social Security Disability Cases Being Denied

Essentially, what happens this: when a claim is denied, the determination has been made (by a disability examiner at the initial claim or reconsideration steps, and by a federal judge at the hearing appeal step) that an applicant falls into one of the following categories:

1. They have a non-severe impairment (if this is the case, the applicant will fail to meet the definition of disability used by the social security administration).

2. They have a condition that does not meet the criteria for any one of the conditions included in the impairment listing manual (a book which lists the approval criteria for a number of physical and mental impairments).

3. Their condition is severe but will not be projected to last for at least 12 months (again, the applicant will fail to satisfy the social security administration's definition of disability).

4. The applicant will be considered to have the ability to return to their past work.

5. The applicant will be considered to have the ability to perform other work, if they cannot return to their past work.

This, in a nutshell, is what it means when a Social Security Disability claim is denied. However, the most important thing for a disability claimant to consider when they receive the letter stating their claim has been denied is this----you have 60 days in which to file an appeal.

The truth is, though each Social Security Disability claim stands a high chance of being denied, individuals who get to a hearing before a disability judge have a much greater chance of being approved. So, for this, reason, a person who files for disability should never give up, but, instead, should continue to move their claim forward in the appeal system.

About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.

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