Is there short-term Social Security Disability?
There is no Social Security Disability program that offers monetary benefits quickly for a short amount of time. So often people think that Social Security Disability is similar to short term disability. The only similarity really is that you are able to get a monthly benefit if you are found disabled. Social Security Disability is a permanent disability program that requires an inability to perform SGA for at least twelve consecutive months.
Also, most short-term disability programs focus on your ability to do your current work. Social Security Disability demands that you be unable to do your current, past, or any other kind of work that your education, age, residual functional capacity, and skills would allow you to do.
Social Security Disability specialists perform an in depth disability determination known as the five step sequential evaluation. Steps one through 3 deal with the severity of your disabling condition, while steps 4 and 5 deal with your ability to perform past work and other work respectively.
If they determine that your disabling condition so severe you are unable to perform any of your past work or other work you may be approved for disability benefits. However, if they determine that your condition is severe but you are able to perform a past job or other work your disability will be denied. Additionally, if they determine that your disabling condition is likely to improve and that you are likely to be able to get back to work in less than twelve months you will be denied.
In summary, Social Security Disability is a permanent not a short term disability program that requires that you be unable to perform SGA for at twelve continuous months or more.
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