Is bicuspid aortic valve or carpal tunnel considered a disability?

Is bicuspid aortic valve or carpal tunnel considered a disability?

Is bicuspid aortic valve or carpal tunnel considered a disability?

Social Security does not award disability on the basis of having any condition, really. It depends on the extent to which a condition, or conditions (there are usually several conditions listed on a disability claim), limits a person from being able to engage in work activity that provides a substantial and gainful income.

In other words, what functional limitatonis does a person have that reduce the ability to work? What is a functional limitation by the way? The phrase means what you are not able to do any longer because of your medical condition. Limitations can be physical or mental such as impaired ability to lift, carry, stand, sit, bend, hear, smell, concentrate, remember, etcetera. A disability examiner, or Administrative law judge for a hearing, will be paying attention to your medical record evidence to determine 1. how you are limited and 2. how your limitations reduce your ability to work.

So, this is why a disability examiner will usually have to examine a person's work history as well as their medical records. The medical records may help reveal (in this case, as they pertain to bicuspid aortic valve or carpal tunnel syndrome) in which specific ways the person is limited in their ability to do normal daily activities. The work history will give indications of what a person needed to be capable of doing on a daily basis in order to do their past work.

If the functional limitations wipe out the ability to do past work, then the question is "does this individual have the necessary skills and education, given their limitations and age, to switch to some type of other work. If they can't do other work, they may be considered disabled and be awarded benefits.

For more on how the disability decision gets made, See: How the Decision on a Disability Claim is made.

For a more lengthy explanation of how a disability examiner makes a decision on a claim: The Disability Approval Process and how your case gets decided.

About the Author: Tim Moore is a former Social Security Disability Examiner in North Carolina, has been interviewed by the NY Times and the LA Times on the disability system, and is an Accredited Disability Representative (ADR) in North Carolina. For assistance on a disability application or Appeal in NC, click here.

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